Monday, December 28, 2009

Dry Eyes

Dry Eyes

She done cried so long she has dry eyes
No longer asking God whys
Almost as though her heart dies
…One last sigh…
Then it’s off to get in where you fit in
Big bright door leading to a life of sin
When you come from dirt and beer bottles, what’s left?
The pain is wearing on her flesh
They say skies the limit, she can be a chemist
But looking up at pollution everyday, that dream diminished
Her heart is dark and cold like the other side of the moon
Don’t care; she’ll eat off your plate with no spoon
Using what beauty she has left to get by
Using man made material to get high
She’s barley two and a half decades old
But you would think she’s been through double winter cold
Nature, nurture, or out of her control?
Who determines her role?
Everyone has a choice but she’s behind the eight ball
And what help are tears that fall?
Stuck between what has to be done and the fast life
She’s left the Tribe and the Quest like Phife
So when she can’t cry for herself, who cries for her?
God does during spring rapture
Knowing that, she can turn her life to the high side, God’s side
And she won’t worry about wetting a dry eye

Monday, December 21, 2009

Stand for nothing, fall for any thing....

Where I Stand

Where I stand is important to who I am
Rather then sit I’ll stand up for the black vote
I’m a laid back dude and I don’t really stand out
But when I’m needed I try to stand in
To protect my closest I’ll stand in front
But if they want I’ll stand behind to watch they back
And when you really need me I’ll stand beside you
Got to keep it moving to succeed so I’ll never stand down
Keep pushing forward, not one of these dudes just standing round
I know I’m short but through it all I try and stand tall
In today’s world you can’t just stand by
Because while you standing by, life is passing you by
Take a stand for something….anything
Where do you stand?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Obama's 90... so far

The author is Professor Robert Watson of Lynn University who was once a writer for the New York Times.

Professor Watson writes:

Hi friends,

I am always being asked to grade Obama's presidency. In place of offering him a grade, I put together a list of his accomplishments thus far. I think you would agree that it is very impressive. His first six months have been even more active than FDRs or LBJs the two standards for such assessments. Yet, there is little media attention given to much of what he has done. Of late, the media is focusing almost exclusively on Obama's critics, without holding them responsible for the uncivil, unconstructive tone of their disagreements or without holding the previous administration responsible for getting us in such a deep hole. The misinformation and venom that now passes for political reporting and civic debate is beyond description.
As such, there is a need to set the record straight. What most impresses me is the fact that Obama has accomplished so much not from a heavy-handed or top-down approach but from a style that has institutionalized efforts to reach across the aisle, encourage vigorous debate, and utilize town halls and panels of experts in the policy-making process. Beyond the accomplishments, the process is good for democracy and our democratic processes have been battered and bruised in recent years.
Let me know if I missed anything in the list (surely I did).

1.Ordered all federal agencies to undertake a study and make recommendations for ways to cut spending
2. Ordered a review of all federal operations to identify and cut wasteful spending and practices
3. Instituted enforcements for equal pay for women
4. Beginning the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq
5. Families of fallen soldiers have expenses covered to be on hand when the body arrives at Dover A.F.B.
6. Ended media blackout on war casualties; reporting full information
7. Ended media blackout on covering the return of fallen soldiers to Dover A.F.B.; the media is now permitted to do so pending adherence to respectful rules and approval of fallen soldier's family
8. The White House and federal government are respecting the Freedom of Information Act
9. Instructed all federal agencies to promote openness and transparency as much as possible
10. Limits on lobbyist's access to the White House
11. Limits on White House aides working for lobbyists after their tenure in the administration
12. Ended the previous stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date
13. Phasing out the expensive F-22 war plane and other outdated weapons systems, which weren't even used or needed in Iraq/Afghanistan
14. Removed restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research
15. Federal support for stem-cell and new biomedical research
16. New federal funding for science and research labs
17. States are permitted to enact federal fuel efficiency standards above federal standards
18. Increased infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, power plants) after years of neglect
19. Funds for high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools
20. New funds for school construction
21. The prison at Guantanamo Bay is being phased out
22. US Auto industry rescue plan
23. Housing rescue plan
24. $789 billion economic stimulus plan
25. The public can meet with federal housing insurers to refinance (the new plan can be completed in one day) a mortgage if they are having trouble paying
26. US financial and banking rescue plan
27. The secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere are being closed
28. Ended the previous policy; the US now has a no torture policy and is in compliance with the Geneva Convention standards
29. Better body armor is now being provided to our troops
30.The missile defense program is being cut by $1.4 billion in 2010
31. Restarted the nuclear non-proliferation talks and building back up the nuclear inspection infrastructure/protocols
32. Re-engaged in the treaties/agreements to protect the Antarctic
33. Re-engaged in the agreements/talks on global warming and greenhouse gas emissions
34. Visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any president in his first six months in office
35. Successful release of US captain held by Somali pirates; authorized the SEALS to do their job
36. US Navy increasing patrols off Somali coast
37. Attractive tax write-offs for those who buy hybrid automobiles
38. Cash for clunkers program offers vouchers to trade in fuel inefficient, polluting old cars for new cars; stimulated auto sales
39. Announced plans to purchase fuel efficient American-made fleet for the federal government
40. Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million more children
41. Signed national service legislation; expanded national youth service program
42. Instituted a new policy on Cuba , allowing Cuban families to return home to visit loved ones
43. Ended the previous policy of not regulating and labeling carbon dioxide emissions
44. Expanding vaccination programs
45. Immediate and efficient response to the floods in North Dakota and other natural disasters
46. Closed offshore tax safe havens
47. Negotiated deal with Swiss banks to permit US government to gain access to records of tax evaders and criminals
48. Ended the previous policy of offering tax benefits to corporations who outsource American jobs; the new policy is to promote in-sourcing to bring jobs back
49. Ended the previous practice of protecting credit card companies; in place of it are new consumer protections from credit card industry's predatory practices
50. Energy producing plants must begin preparing to produce 15% of their energy from renewable sources
51. Lower drug costs for seniors
52. Ended the previous practice of forbidding Medicare from negotiating with drug manufacturers for cheaper drugs; the federal government is now realizing hundreds of millions in savings
53. Increasing pay and benefits for military personnel
54. Improved housing for military personnel
55. Initiating a new policy to promote federal hiring of military spouses
56. Improved conditions at Walter Reed Military Hospital and other military hospitals
57. Increasing student loans
58. Increasing opportunities in AmeriCorps program
59. Sent envoys to Middle East and other parts of the world that had been neglected for years; re-engaging in multilateral and bilateral talks and diplomacy
60. Established a new cyber security office
61. Beginning the process of reforming and restructuring the military 20 years after the Cold War to a more modern fighting force; this includes new procurement policies, increasing size of military, new technology and cyber units and operations, etc.
62. Ended previous policy of awarding no-bid defense contracts
63. Ordered a review of hurricane and natural disaster preparedness
64. Established a National Performance Officer charged with saving the federal government money and making federal operations more efficient
65. Students struggling to make college loan payments can have their loans refinanced
66. Improving benefits for veterans
67. Many more press conferences and town halls and much more media access than previous administration
68. Instituted a new focus on mortgage fraud
69. The FDA is now regulating tobacco
70. Ended previous policy of cutting the FDA and circumventing FDA rules
71. Ended previous practice of having White House aides rewrite scientific and environmental rules, regulations, and reports
72. Authorized discussions with North Korea and private mission by Pres. Bill Clinton to secure the release of two Americans held in prisons
73. Authorized discussions with Myanmar and mission by Sen. Jim Web to secure the release of an American held captive
74. Making more loans available to small businesses
75. Established independent commission to make recommendations on slowing the costs of Medicare
76. Appointment of first Latina to the Supreme Court
77. Authorized construction/opening of additional health centers to care for veterans
78. Limited salaries of senior White House aides; cut to $100,000
79. Renewed loan guarantees for Israel
80. Changed the failing/status quo military command in Afghanistan
81. Deployed additional troops to Afghanistan
82. New Afghan War policy that limits aerial bombing and prioritizes aid, development of infrastructure, diplomacy, and good government practices by Afghans
83. Announced the long-term development of a national energy grid with renewable sources and cleaner, efficient energy production
84. Returned money authorized for refurbishment of White House offices and private living quarters
85. Paid for redecoration of White House living quarters out of his own pocket
86. Held first Seder in White House
87. Attempting to reform the nation's healthcare system which is the most expensive in the world yet leaves almost 50 million without health insurance and millions more under insured
88. Has put the ball in play for comprehensive immigration reform
89. Has announced his intention to push for energy reform
90. Has announced his intention to push for education reform
Oh, and he built a swing set for the girls outside the Oval Office!

Robert P. Watson, Ph.D. Coordinator of American Studies
Lynn University

Monday, December 14, 2009



Every night he goes to sleep with roses in his hand
He hopes she will find her way to them
He stayed late at basketball practice and she walked home
Problem was she never made it home
So now he dreams with a broken heart like John Mayer
And searches his dreams for her cause he is his biggest hater
He blames himself and won’t give up
But he is killing himself slow, like the burning of a blunt
He has to forgive himself to find his way to her
That’s the wall that’s blocking him from her
And every day he wakes with roses in his hand and pain in his heart
So he prays to God and says that waking up is the hardest part
God tells the man it was her time, her earthly walk had been complete
Still missing her, but with a better understanding, he rose to his feet
And that night he went to sleep with roses in his hand cut perfectly from the stem
And the next morning, he woke with out them

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Lonely Bed

Lonely Bed

It’s crazy not to wake up next to you
Forever left our lips, who knew?
I stare at this bed for the last time
Don’t know what to say, speechless like a mime
Covers made up so neat, you liked that
Now I can’t recognize it, like losing fat
Remember our 1st time in that bed
I lay in your arms while you rubbed my head
These were the best times we had
Never together in that bed were we mad
Memories people wouldn’t believe
Couples + bed = sex is what’s perceived
But we changed the rules of what’s expected
We would go just to lie together when things got reckless
I’m going to miss picking your brain
Or how you always stole the covers on nights when there was rain
It’s now a lonely bed
Complete with two, but now only has one head

Thursday, December 3, 2009

By Way of Cleveland

Remember that "project" I said I was working on with a few friends? Well yeah, it's about that time. By Way of Cleveland will be hitting you very very soon!! Cleveland get ready to be represented! I hope C-Town gets behind us, as we've been behind the Land. Cleveland is such a great city and historical city. Every city goes through their hard times and Cleveland has been hit hard, but there is so much culture and history in this small/big city.

The writers involved in this project can be found under the blogs I'm following (Dave, Te'Erra & Patrick). These writers are amazing and greatly talented in their own ways. So for us to come together and put this book together is awesome. I can promise you some very good poems and ideas and real emotions. This city means something different to us all and we brought that to the table. From every aspect, from sports to specific stories about our life.

Since y'all are cool with me, I'm a give y'all a little something to let y'all know what's in store... spread the word....


By Way of Cleveland is a compilation book of these four writers ideas and thoughts. The back drop is the City of Cleveland, Ohio; or the 216. One way or another, the city has impacted these writers lives and you’ll be able to see that through their words. A strong sports town and well known historically, Cleveland has a lot to say through these artists. But it doesn’t stop there. This book is dedicated to Cleveland, but Cleveland is only where the journey begins…

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Nice Guy Box

This poem is from my first book, A Walk through My Mind..

The Nice Guy Box

So I guess I’m in the nice guy box
For me personally, it’s not a bad box
But I’m usually the underestimated dude
Or looked at different if I catch an attitude
I guess you just have to scream and shout all the time
But if I do get loud with you, I’m lying
So I’m acting now, when I’m just being me
I don’t have to be a thug to stand up for my girl or me
There is more than one level to a real man you see
No need to fight, for bull crap my skin is thick
But if you get under it, it can get crappy quick
But why?
Am I less of a man cause I let it fly?
Come on man, the world is changing
Rappers are in corporate America and maintaining
Save ya mean mug frown for the mirror
Look beyond your self to see much clearer
You not hard cause you a thug, being a thug is a choice
How proud are you when you not around to hear ya daughters voice
I didn’t walk down that road, I chose another
But I still get stereotyped cause of my color
I live in the hood, but I’m not “of” the hood kid
I’m a soft guy because I didn’t do a bid?
I’m a nice guy, so…
I’m not You, but I bet I’m a real man though
Prolly more real than you
You a coward, man who knew
So why I got to be in a box, why?
Nice guy. Why can’t I just be a guy?
Street cred, that’s overrated
Fighting because some one said you soft is out dated
Black men not taking care of they’re wife and kids, I hate it
So you can call me soft, I’ll stay humble
But when ya hard, tough guy self gets hit, I’ll laugh when you crumble
So if you’re looking to find me, I’ll be in my box

Sunday, November 29, 2009

What We Talkin' Bout??

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! I sure did. I'm thankful for the many.. or the few, that take time out to read my blogs, my poetry.. I'm also thankful for those who have read one of my poems or books and have enjoyed them. I hope my words help and inspire those who read. Thanks!!

Just an update for y'all... Still working on a group project that I'm extra excited about! We are very close to bringing that out and giving the world our story. I'm working with some talented people and we hope you all will enjoy!

I've made a few changes on my solo projects. I've decided to put out my poetry book Created to Love before Reality Dreaming. (Scroll down to one of my earlier posts to see more about Created to Love) I've done this to kind of give each project the space it needs and not crowd the release of the projects. Created to Love will come out in February (not on Valentines Day) and is a little different look on love.

Reality Dreaming is still coming but the first few months of 2010 will be packed. So I'm thinking of the summer of 2010 to release Reality Dreaming, which is already done.

I can't wait to put these poetry books out, but I got to show a little patience lol... hopefully y'all can too. Stayed tuned my friends...

Sunday, November 22, 2009



The tides splash

The night and day clash

Creating and unforgivable color

The kind to make you sit back and wonder

How the sky is the way it is

How far away that bright star is

Even the birds take a break to marvel

At the sunset color in caramel (carmal)

When the sun goes down its like eye lids slowly shutting

And when they open, up the sun is coming

It goes down but never cools off

The air is so soft

Till the next day, it’s almost like a slow goodbye

Its crazy, all of this is in her eyes

Wednesday, November 11, 2009



“I’m from the hood” is an excuse
Point has been beat over the head, abuse
Yeah every one has a head start
But you still have a role to play, a part
You not the only one to come from the bottom
You not the only one to see a friend one day, next they shot him
Poverty is a way of life to most of us
Bad credit, bills, debt, loans, all ways to trap us
But playing into their hands isn’t smart
And taking back our community is a start
Stop using the hood as an excuse
You’re good with numbers and weights, put that to use
Any education is a plus
Business smarts and street smarts is a must
With this new age of technology
To succeed you really have every possibility
Stop using excuses, people tend to want to lend a hand
You can ask for help using your own plan
Its tough enough trying to get ahead
Put down the gun and pick up a book instead
Any body can be a thug but not all dads are fathers
You yelling racism, so why bother
But you ain’t doing anything to claim that
You still in the same situation you were five years ago, you whack
Climb the success ladder, how about that
Then maybe you have an argument that’s intelligent
But other than that your excuses are irrelevant

Thursday, November 5, 2009


These words are like hands reaching out
When life goes side ways and you don’t know what it’s about
I hope my words lend a hand
If to do nothing but help you stand
Stand strong in the face of adversity
Because it will happen certainly
Fall into water and you can’t swim?
Don’t panic, my hands I’ll lend them
Reach in with no hesitation to help
So hopefully a thick skin you’ll develop
I hope to be solid like a strong rope
When in need I’ll be your friend
Just grab my hand

Saturday, October 31, 2009

New Poem..

Pineapple Orange

Pineapple orange is what I call her
She got that fiery citrus, yes sir
She got that tough outer coat to get through
But when you do…
Nothing like sweet fruit
Specially one with many layers
And a taste that caters
The kind that puts to rest all the debaters
But she does have a sharp side; that’s the pineapple in her
But she’s healthy enough to help pain cure
And its better to have her pure
You know, not from concentrate
No need for mixing, pineapple orange straight
I got mine, close your eyes and start to speculate
Isn’t fruit great?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

!!!Coming Soon!!!: Created to Love

This book should be coming out right after Reality Dreaming. Here is the Dedication and Introduction...


This book is dedicated to the lovers. This book is for the couples wanting to share the most intimate moments with each other. Love is passion and emotion; not lust. This book is not for the one “nighters.” This book is for those in relationships that can relate to the experiences that love brings. These poems are for the ones looking for forever.


Created to Love takes you the reader on a journey of pure love. This journey is looking at love in many different aspects and situations. The characters created in these poems are true lovers and have been created that way. Each poem has love at the center of it. Love can be a roller coaster with highs and lows. Love is also fun and exciting. Created to Love takes love and embodies it to show you some of the joys love brings. Your deepest fantasy can only be achieved through true love. Have you found that One you are created to love forever?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Braylon Edwards

Check out me and my homie Dave going in on Braylon Edwards on Pat's blog...

Some good stuff there for Cleveland sports fans and sports fan period.

I'm just getting over a cold and ready to post some more poetry! See y'all in a minute.


Monday, October 5, 2009

New Poem>>>>> Salvation


I feel like I’m being chased by terminator
On my knees sending up a prayer
Because my future has been prophesied, or prayed for
Mom has prayed for my success and wife since four
But it’s hard to live up to those standards
Trying to stay strong so push ups till my hands hurt
I’m resisting the leader of the resistance
For instance
I know I can be great but I just want to live
Grow old with a wife and kids
Everyone says I’m a good kid and I have a bright future
But I don’t want to be stuck in battle with Lex Luther
He’s just a metaphor representing the struggle
Its about to burst, my bubble
Some times I want to be faceless and fade into the background
But they all want me to be the champ pound for pound
I just want to be me
From all my problems take flight and flee
However, I’ve learned I can create me own destiny
The direction I’m pointed too
But the work is up to me to do
I can changed the scene if I choose
I can change the color from dark to light blues
I’ve had an epiphany to a certain extent
Use my pen to vent
And realize this is a blessing heaven sent
This was planned since creation
Control what I can, that’s my salvation
And I’m ready to adapt

Monday, September 28, 2009

Ms. Lady

Ms. Lady

Hey how ya doing Ms. Lady?
Now I’m not trying to come off too crazy
But I just wanted to know your name
My name is Dennis and I’m not trying to run no game
It may seem forward but I had to get to know you
I hope me coming off like this won’t throw you?
I’m just trying something new
They say if you want something, go for it
Got to at least give myself a chance to make it
I’m a man yes
But not like the rest
I am genuinely interested in you
What you’re about and how the day you got through
Yes yes it’s true
I mean I hope I come off real and charming
Because if not, your “typical” guy alarm would ring
I’m not gone ask for your number, just name
And I would hope you would ask the same
So I didn’t mean to bother you, well I did
You may think most men are dogs or pigs
But I hope you give me a chance
Is that maybe? With a smile and glance
Well maybe I’ll see you around Ms. Lady

Monday, September 21, 2009


What's up? Just sliding through to update the world. I have a web site up now! It's not my final site, but a good site none the less. Go check it out and let me know what cha think.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

>>>NEW POEM<<<

Bleeding Paper

I put my finger to paper and start to write
I write and write and write
Non stop I just write
I write about wrong and right
I write about a mans plight
About a woman’s fight
I write and I don’t let up
I write til the blood from the page fills a cup
I write til my passion over flows
I write and write til my pages fill up bowls
I write for all the average joes
‘Cause that’s all I am, a regular pro
I write write write write write
I write about feelings and emotion
About love lost and the sunset over the ocean
It gets easier but the pain never leaves
It gets inside you and starts to breathe
So, I write about it
The whys, the nots, buts and ifs
Whether good or bad…
I write write write til the paper bleeds
…And you see the real me

Friday, September 11, 2009

>>>New Poem<<<

Type of Love

I need the type of love to sweep me off my feet
The type of love to make my knees weak
I need the type of love that leaves no doubt
The type of love I want to die for, just to tell Jesus about
I want the type of love that I have in my dreams
That type of love I could transfer to reality
I need the type of love where I start smiling at the thought of her smile
The type of love that would drive cupid wild
I need that love best friends share
Long love, that lasts longer than a flare
I want a love that I can’t explain nor comprehend
The type of love that makes my mind bend
I want that love that’s not gone bail in tough times
The type of love I have to put in my rhymes
That type of love where I ask if I deserve her
And she responds do I deserve you sir
I want the type of love that has my head to the sky and feet on the ground
The type that’s talked about around town
Hopefully she's reading this and looking for my type of love

Thursday, September 3, 2009

***Brand New***

If I'm So Special

She said if I’m special
Why aren’t you more careful?
Like that golf handicap why aren’t you more helpful?
If I’m special, why don’t you treat me so?
Why do you block my glow?
If I’m so special
Why are things so stressful?
If I’m special why don’t I feel it?
Like a horse and a whip
Like the waves throwing a ship
You say I’m special so why do you need a script to act?
It should come easier than that
If I’m your special one
Why can’t I be the earth to your sun?
Spinning in a dance with you till we’re done
If I’m so special, why can’t we last forever?
Like eternal life as God’s gift to treasure
She said if I’m so special why do you treat me this way?
After all that, I had nothing to say

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What's New?

Check me out on my homies blog, I did a review of the PGA Championship, Tiger Woods losing to YE Yang. I'm keeping my day job but the homie challenged me and I had to come through.

Monday, August 31, 2009

***Brand New***

Queen of Sorrow

She’s so dramatic
Everything is crafted
She puts on a show
To show you she’s feeling low
She gets into relationships
Just for the hardships
She likes being a woman scorned
You’ve been warned
She’s the queen of sorrow

Woe is me is she
You know how it be
This man and that man ain’t squat
You don’t want to be in that spot
Broken hearted so many times
Her heart now hides behind blinds
Instead if moving forward, she’s in park
She likes the attention that shines on her in the dark
She’s the queen of sorrow

She lets men in, but only in the foyer (for-yay)
They see her heart only through a digital display
But what happens when one gets through?
That one fly dude
She can’t deny love forever
Love is way too clever
But she has found ways to mess up before
For her it’s not that hard a chore
But how long can she be the queen of sorrow?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

At The Moment...

Well at the moment, nothing has really changed. Still writing everyday and trying to make my books the best I can.

Something that may be new or of interest is I've picked a timeline for my next 2 books. Mid January for Reality Dreaming and around Valentines Day for Created to Love, the official version.

I'm also working with my baby brother on his very own book. He wants to call it Poetry & Word Searches. I'm pretty excited about that and so his he. He likes to talk so putting his words on paper wouldn't be that hard. We're looking at his birthday in March for a release.

Poetry and word searches may seem like an odd combo, but it's what he wants and I think it's a book idea. It's different and creative. More than that, it's his very own. All I'm doing is fueling his creativity. I don't want to get in the way with my own ideas or stunt his growth so to speak. In a few days or weeks I may post something of his. Be on the look out!

Be safe and blessed
DenPoet, MarcManArts

Swallowing Rain

Tears sticking to my face like a stain
Head bowed under the umbrella in the rain
All I feel is pain
And I can’t move
I’ve lost my groove
And it didn’t take much of anything
I feel like on the inside I’m hemorrhaging
I have a hard time swallowing her suggestion
Almost like a feeling of indigestion
She was so ignorant
That now I’m feeling indignant
Now my face is indigo
With a bad case of vertigo
Awh, here we go
Another one bites the dust
She ate the inside of my pie and left the crust
I go deaf to everything outside my mind
It’s raining hard, like the earth committed a crime
Drop the umbrella and step into the rain
Maybe it’ll help me swallow my pain

From poetry book "Journey" ; ISBN: 978-0-615-26495-0

Friday, August 21, 2009

***Brand New***

Before She Goes to Sleep

It’s getting late, I’ve got to move
There’s something I have to prove
I know she’s getting ready to lay that pretty head down
But before she takes off that halo crown
She needs to hear these words
Keeping my eyes open for cops in the burbs
Get to the door and she answers
Can I help you she says sarcastically?
And I say we need to talk emotionally
Well all you need to do is listen
Look at those eyes glisten
Baby I just need to tell you this before you go to sleep
And this comes from down deep
I love you more than any thing on this earth
I finally see your true worth
You bring an addition to my life I couldn’t believe
Because my mind just couldn’t find comprehension to retrieve
So I’m here on my knees
Standing like a man with flaws who makes mistakes
Learning from those and not moving with haste
You are the sun and stars
A man in a tailored suit says something I can’t hear
Look in her eyes as I see a tear
She bows her head and begins to speak
But I hear nothing as my heart gets weak
Jamie Foxx’s Overdose is my theme song of the moment
Crushing my time for atonement
I feel like I’ve had too much to drink
My eyes start to blink
Faster and faster
It’s like a scene in a movie that starts to flash
For the car I make a dash
I can’t make it out, but I hear her voice
I mumble, you’ve made your choice
I was already too late before tonight
And I couldn’t make it right

Monday, August 17, 2009

Always Smiling

The embodiment of joy she was
Slang word, she was my cuz
But more so like and aunt
Even close to god mother
She was like no other
Every time I saw her she smiled at me
She called me cutie repeatedly
Always told me she was proud
She followed me like a cloud
When I was down, I always knew she was praying
Praying for me to succeed
A kind of Angel, the best breed
She’ll always be apart of my soul
In my heart she always has a role
Days turn to months, a short time into a while
I will always remember that smile

R.I.P. Cousin Nita...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

***Brand New***

Sick of Dying

I'm sick of dying
Sick of tearless crying
Every time I hear her name
I feel more pain
And I die all over again

That scent is her scent
That door way she came and went
Every time my heart is stopped
Those arteries can't be unblocked
And I die all over again

The pain of love thoughts
The agony of love lost
Every time I think, it hurts
If you've loved, you know how it works
No one after can compare
You compare even their hair
It's all out of fear
Fear that you don't know where to steer
Fear of losing another love
You know the damage it does
And you don't want to die again

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


You love the fast money and girls
Dodging bullets, hey this is your world
Chasing the American Dream
Best way you can trying to get that CREAM
Because Cash Rules
And here’s your tools
Water, baking soda, pots and pans
All black gloves to cover your hands
Get respect or take it with a mean mug frown
You run this, get down or lay down
You cook up the product and feed the fiends
You take whatever they got, don’t have to be green
You love the block and the rush
No love for chicks because the block is your crush
With a gat in your hand
You feel you the man
So deep in you couldn’t leave if you wanted to
You’re so blind to what’s become of you
You rather die enormous than live dormant
But now you can’t sleep, you live in torment
Hustling so hard you haven’t heard a word
Now you’ve become addicted like fiends you serve
You hooked and won’t give up the game
You a fiend like them, now who is the lame?

From "A Walk Through My Mind"
ISBN: 978-0-615-15246-2

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Right Now...

Well.. Right now, as usual, I'm writing everyday. I got soo many poems and I want to just put them out there! But I'm trying to be cool and put em out there in a timely fashion. Still got my book coming next year.. 2 books rather ;). And of course a little surprise, hopefully before this year is out.

All I do is write and I hate for poems to sit around, but I want to save most of the poems for books. So when people read, they are reading what they haven't read before. So I'm in a little bind. My book Reality Dreaming is suppose to come out next year, but I was done w/ it pretty much before the summer started. So I'll have a few books just sitting, waiting to be released lol. Guess that can't be too bad lol.

But that's pretty much where I am now. Still writing and still grinding. Keeping an eye on my partners (check my followers); making sure I'm not slipping.

Ohh, before I forget.. I'm working on an audio book type project. I'll probably combine my first two books (A Walk Through My Mind, Journey). Take my favorite/best ones from those books and put em together. Or I may do a "mixtape." Getting new material on there to get people ready for the up coming books..... Y'all stay posted!!!

Peace and Love.. Be Safe
DenPoet, MarcManArts

***Band New***


Long day and she’s down in the dumps
She’s looking in the closet at her favorite pumps
She’s checking out how her ankles and calves tighten up
She does twirls in the morning with the moon light shinning
The polished glow of the shoes blinding
And I’m not talking about the Reebok kind
I’m talking about the heels with lip gloss shine
They give her such confidence
Like she just embodies dominance
The heel is high but not too high
She’s just below where birds fly by
Jeans, skirt, or flower dress
Doesn’t matter if it’s Fendi or Guess
When she puts ‘em on, no contest
Legs so smooth, leading into those pumps
To get in them jeans she jumps
When she goes out all the guys sweat her style
Couple steps in those pumps and she ends the day with a smile
Those pumps are her best friend

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


The M&M twins of the civil rights movement
Term M&M, watch how I use it
Two different views, one common cause
One always moved forward and one knew when to pause
Both lead a nation of coloreds
Black as the night or rubber
We’re now choking on a lack of M&M
We need them
These new leaders have no nuts
Don’t take it wrong, they get knocked on they butts
I only mean they’re M&M plain
They don’t know how to break the slave type chain
We rather right each other
Than help each other and bring comfort to our mothers
These M&Ms couldn’t be packaged and sold during those times
Now these dudes is coming off assembly lines
The only progress is turning us against us
Throwing our own people under the bus
M&M put life on the line
That takes spine
They knew what could happen
Now people frail as a napkin
We losing the visions M&M set
The powers are winning this bet
Yeah you got a private jet
But are we getting to that next step?
Malcolm and Martin fought deathKeep the dream alive and show respect

Justified Anger

My anger is justified today
So far I’ve been supportive of around my way
But now it’s too much
People around you, you can’t even trust
Your own “people” shoot you and rob you
Who do they think they are? Who?
I’m about ready to give up on these punks
They wanna be thugs, chumps
Yeah the government made it bad on the hood
But these little dudes aren’t misunderstood
At least not to me
Through that fake thug I see
I cared, but now I care less
I’m not gone be bothered by the stress
Yeah I said it; just give em a craft and a trade
But they so deep in this way of life that it won’t fade
How do you help people that keep robbing you?
I’m done, wash my hands and I’m through
I defending these dudes when my pops said they bad
I just thought maybe they needed a brother or a dad
But when a gun is put his face
All that “I want to help” goes out in space
Like someone talked bout my mama, them fighting words
All that peaceful talk is kicked to the curb
Anger, hate whatever you wanna call it
All that, I’m feeling it
Put me in a closed room with them for 5 minutes time
He’ll come out talking like a mime
I know I shouldn’t hate cause of who I believe in
But just the thought of revenge gives me a little grin
Am I wrong for thinking about that danger?
Or do I have justified anger?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Tip toeing in my socks
As not to disturb rocks
She is sleeping so peacefully
This won't be done easily
I move in, hand out waiting for a scream
To my surprise she wakes and hugs me
Finger over my mouth, shhh
Let's head down south
She agrees and we flee
We're lover birds to be
We're playing around the stars
In the distance we can see Mars
We have a quick bite to eat on the Moon
I say baby you have to return soon
Sad look comes over her and she doesn't want to go
But I promise her I'll be back tomorrow
For now let's enjoy each other
Quick nap on a cloud together
Man it feels like forever
My watch sounds as the sun peaks
And to her I softly speak
Its time my love
We blow kisses and she rises above
To keep our secret she puts back on her halo
As I return to Earth through a rainbow
I'm her dough and she is my leaven
So I'm sad until I again sneak my Angel out of Heaven

Wonderland Revisited

Wonderland calls me for another visit
So back I'm going to go
There is more to explore, I'm a good critic
This time I have her under strobe light glow

The way the light hits her is breath taking
The way the light shadows her curves
Her curves are looking for the light, waiting
It's like when the light isn't on her it gets on her nerves

After a while the glow in her eyes is brighter than the light
her smile gives radiance
A wink and a smirk of the lip could turn day to night
And to understand that power takes patience

Her voice is that of Angelic hymns
Sound comes across her lips like a breeze off the ocean
Her tear drops are like gems
And her breath is a love potion

Her skin has upkeep by the hour
Years have passed but she hasn't aged
Only described by heavenly power
Beauty never stops even after years turn the page

It seems every time I come to Wonderland I find something new
I fall in love all over again the moment I arrive
I don't know how she does what she do
All I know is Wonderland takes me above the skies

Monday, July 20, 2009


She’s so contrary to popular belief
You wouldn’t want to give up on her lease
Her name even tastes different when spoken off the tongue
She gives my favorite food a run
And there’s no intention for a pun
This is “real talk” even though cliché
My ears are on the look out for any thing she may say
I say contrary because she’s beautiful but her mind shines
She stands tall as pines
And she’s all m…
Well maybe not
But I would like her to be the main character in my plot
My story
She can be my Robert Horry
People fear words like different, strong willed, independent
But of royalty we’re all descendent
She’s different, not compared to the latest video
When seen out, people don’t go “here we go”
Here we go with the same ‘ol mini dress
Same ‘ol shirt reveling a well lotion chest
She’s a beautiful lady with curves none the less
But she doesn’t have to show her butt or breasts
She’s so different
Complex even, meaning it takes time to understand her
She’s not simple, making guys uneasy or unsure
But that’s what I like about this lady
…even if she’s not meant for me
Just to know she’s out there is great
And just because she’s different doesn’t make her fake
She’s just different

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Brain Storm

Get ya umbrellas out, the kid about to brain storm
But turn them up side down cause it’s against the norm
I want you to catch the ideas I’m showering you with
In every drop there is a positive tip
I don’t know exactly who I’m speaking to
But one thing is for sure I’m talking to you
You with the mountain you feel you can’t climb
You that’s always in a rush to waste time
And you who can’t see the future because of what you left behind
Why dwell in the past, when each day is new?
And wouldn’t it feel good to look back and see how you grew?
Get it? You need rain to grow
Trials and troubles, you know how they go
Hope you catch the moral of the story, we all make mistakes
But you live and learn and that idea makes life great
Where you come from can mold you, but who you are should make you
If you’re around good people you become them and they you
I wouldn’t lie, every thing I say is true
Why be proud to be a follower or just apart of the crowd?
Why not be a leader and set the tone of that crowd?
So now the storm is passing and you didn’t even get wet
But the question is, is ya umbrella full from what you were to catch?

From poetry book "Journey" ; ISBN: 978-0-615-26495-0

Monday, July 6, 2009

Wishing on a Star

I feel like there’s no hope
Like I’m at the end of my rope
I’m in a hole and can’t get out
I’m held down and can’t sprout
So I’m wishing on a star
God it seems like you’re so far
So I’m praying you meet me half way
I feel I’m just wasting my day
Tough times on the inside
It’s starting to leak out on the ride
Rusty sides and loose wheels
And the new paint is starting to peal
So I’m wishing on a star
And trying to keep par
Trying to hold up my end but it’s tough
The system is against me and not just
Two steps forward and three back
What’s up with that?
Lord order my steps
It is You who knows best
I’m praying to the starThat’s not so far

From poetry book "Journey" ; ISBN: 978-0-615-26495-0

Monday, June 15, 2009


Let’s start with a simple question shall we
How great do you think we could be?
I think we could be really marvelous
Lack of love would starve us
But I see my future in your eyes
I don’t care about the what ifs and whys
As long as we keep it real and no lies
I mean we’re friends but why can’t we be more?
Why can’t we just let emotions pore?
Stop worrying about what people say and think
Stop worrying about what happens when you blink
As long as your head is above water, you won’t sink
And you mean too much to me to let you sink
Once again…
Why can’t we be more than friends?
All I want is a chance
Your life I want to enhance
I don’t know if it’ll last a lifetime
Or be as short as this rhyme
But that’s a small risk great reward option
So what’s up baby, let’s get it poppin’
Not to sound arrogant, but I want to show you a real man
Someone who is not afraid to hold your hand
I’m tried of going through these flings
I want the woman who invades my dreams
Let me see that grin
Why can’t we be more than friends?


Let’s start at the toes
Painted the color of Rose
Ride her ankles to the calves
Perfect dimensions, you do the math
Smooth legs like fresh pavement
My hands marvel in amazement
Next on the tour are her thighs
I love food so they’re like a fresh ham in my eyes
In this Wonderland, that’s a gift wrapped prize
Her hips are perfect love handles
And have been kept away from vandals
Her belly button can’t hide in the desert of her stomach
My fingers jump for joy as they rummage
They glide back and forth across her plains
Moving from plains to beautiful hillsides
Way too smooth for a bumpy ride
And through their valley I just glide
Speaking of glide, next are her wings
And down her arms to those hands she holds the heart of her King
With each finger she can do no wrong
Because together they become ten pillars strong
Next are the windows to her soul
And these windows play a major role
They show the light that her heart bares
You can tell everything by a stare
Her lips is the doorway
But only her King can enter that way
After this journey it’s hard to stand
Because her body is a Wonderland

Friday, June 12, 2009

Cool Night

Not bad, kind of cool outside
Just got in from a long ride
Set up the bed, ready to lay it down
Missing her touch, I kind of frown
I’m in the bed, got the fan on low
Under my sheet almost right to sleep I go
Late in the night, chilly
A dream I don’t remember, but it’s silly
Cold chill sets in
Like I’m outside in the wind
I awake with a shiver
I need relief only warm arms can deliver
I get up, into the closet and grab a bigger cover
Throw it on and dive right under
It’s no longer a cool night
The warmth of her arms made it right
Or maybe the covers over me?
Nah, her arms in my dream

From poetry book "Journey" ; ISBN: 978-0-615-26495-0

Tell Em

Momma tell em this
Your father left, he’s a punk that’s it
You’re not him you’re you
You may look like him buts that’s all that’s true
Just because he left, you treat women good
Treat em like a real man should
Always be on ya hustle and stand your ground
You’re the best and smartest pound for pound
Always speak ya mind and hold ya head with respect
Keep ya feet on the ground and mind in the sky like a jet
Don’t ever forget ya family because that’s all you got
And you be there for em till the day you rot
Just because ya dad left don’t mean you can’t be a real man
And to a lady don’t ever raise ya hand
He gone, its gone hurt
But get over it, make it work
Control the things you can
Let the river flow, you don’t need a dam
Because it only builds up to make things worse
And make sure you stay in church
God is the only one to get you through
When it seems everyone else leaves you
He left, he’s weak
But having a kid is a treat
Don’t have if you can’t provide
And to the back put ya pride
So young men without a dad
Listen to what I’ve said

From the poetry book "Journey" ; ISBN: 978-0-615-26495-0

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Reality Dreaming

This is the Dedication/Introduction part of my up coming book, Reality Dreaming. Hope you enjoy this little bit and look for a preview copy by the end of the summer...


This book is dedicated to the dreamers. To the people like me who believe in dreams and who fight to see their dreams come true. This book is for people who dream of love, who dream of change and who dream of a better life. Dream until your dream becomes a reality. Dream on…


Reality: The quality or state of being actual or true.
Dreaming: A series of mental images, ideas, and emotions occurring in certain stages of sleep. A wild hope or fancy. One that is extremely pleasant, beautiful, or fine.

If you dream of reality, those dreams can come true. The mental images in your mind are based off real things in your life. Reality Dreaming is dreaming beyond. It’s dreaming life into what you want to happen. Once you’re in the reality part of the dream, it doesn’t stop. As you read through this book, it’s up to you to determine the difference between a dream and reality. My dream reality may be different from yours. After reading, ask yourself; are you dreaming reality or reality dreaming?

Interview w/ the Author

Q: Why do you write?

A: Well, got to go back to when I started. I wrote a few poems and I was told they were pretty good. My ex girl friend, who at the time was my best friend, suggested I get some poems published. Others said it as well, so I took it serious. But I went further and wanted to do a book. So now a hobby as turned real. I just feel like I have to write. I don't have plans on being famous, I want to inspire and uplift people. I'll always write even if people don't wanna pay for my books, I'll still make em. I write because I've learned words are powerful. Long as I have a passion to write about what I go through and what I see around me, I'll write.

Q: How long have you been writing?

A: Since 2006.

Q: Influences?

A: God, my family, friends, life, politics, music, relationships, strangers, my poetry partners (TeErra, Patrick, and Dave).... Music is the biggest influence on me and my writing. I LOVE music. All kinds of music. Stevie Wonder is probably the biggest influence. His songs are poems. They mean something and he can sing about anything. I kinda stayed away from reading poetry because I believed in my own words, style, and ideas. I knew how I wanted to write and I didn't want to "write like someone else." But now that I'm working on my 3rd book I'll start reading some stuff. Just so I can see some different things. Just like no body wants to keep hearing the same song over and over, they don't wanna read the same thing.

Q: What do you write about?

A: Just about everything. Love, politics, life, family, friends, joy, pain, emotions... All the feelings and emotions a person can feel. Even fantasy and dream type situations. I try to write about real things.

Q: Do you get personal?

A: At times. I usually don't put peoples names in my work if its "sensitive"or something like that. Like relationship I've had, I don't use names just out of respect. Plus names aren't needed. You can still feel the emotion or relate w/ out a name. But on the other side I do get personal w/ myself because people can relate and feel that much more connected. If someone reads about my grandfather, they can say "man I went through the same thing and it was hard for me too."

Q: What's the difference in the first 2 books?

A: "A Walk Through My Mind" (AWTMM) was really raw. I wouldn't say rushed, but I went right in. In "Journey" you can see the growth in writing and putting the book together. I took more time to actually think about how to put a book together. I took more time to edit poems, grammar and spelling. I knew just cause I knew what something meant doesn't mean the reader does; for example slang words. I write just about every day so it's all about presenting the best book I can. The second book I actually got it reviewed before I published it lol.

Q: What's next?

A: Working on starting my business, MarcManArts. Which will be geared towards helping others publish and teaching technologies that will help them. Also a new book coming early next year (2010). It'll be called Reality Dreaming. I'm super excited about this one. I'm pretty much done w/ it. A few tweaks. The theme is all about dreams and the view of them and so called reality. Real world v the world we create. I'll give up the intro....

Q: You did a book 07, 08... why not 09?

A: Well I can't really say yet.. Let's just say "we're" working on something. I'm not leaving 09 empty.

Monday, June 8, 2009

With a Pen

It’s hard for me to tell you how I feel
I fumble like a running back who can’t close the deal
Lucky for me I got a Roethlisberger to save me
Another way to express what’s inside me
See, I’m better with a pen
Game on the line that’s my win
I can construct a complete and flowing thought wave
And now it’s my pen my thoughts crave
I don’t even try and mumble, I go straight to my pen
So then
My thoughts come out controlled and tamed
Focused and aimed
Snapped and framed
So when I don’t say much I’m collecting my words
All my adjectives and verbs
Pooling them together to try and make an intelligent statement
After all I am a gent
I’m not as crazy as Rain Man, but I see the comparison
It’s a big play and I’m not trying to be Rodney Harrison
So be patient… I’m better with a pen

Constructive Reality

I’m spinning out of control in a vortex of virtual reality
A place where men do men things for men salary
A place where everything is twisted
It comes true if you wished it
I sat with Martin and Malcolm over a cup of fountain water
Their words inspired me to work harder
Joined us was Ozzie Davis
You should’ve seen their faces
He told me Dennis, always do the right things
Then out their backs came wings
Blinked my eyes to another atmosphere
A place neither there nor here
Backwards, yes it is
Benjamin Button, grow up to be kids
I just think of my dream girl and a space opens in time
Nervous but I follow the yellow brick line
Jump into a cloud and within seconds I’m next to pure exquisite
Hopefully this is not just a visit
Medium length brownish hair
Legs that make you want to stare
Five something, with a heavenly smile
Can’t forget her style
She’s the equivalent of picking off a shelf down the perfect aisle
Clean up on aisle perfect, I’m droolin’
And in that drool I sink and miss my opportunity to say
How I want to love her in every way
Sinking through the floor I end up in a bar
With a shot that looks like a jelly jar
Telling my problems to… Roger Rabbit?
But he’s saying something about a Jessica Rabbit
I’d rather be in a casket
Then be like him drowning in heart break
Is this a dream? Can I wake?
Walking till my feet hurt looking for exquisite
But it seems walking further isn’t worth it
Falling face first the vortex scoops me before I hit the ground
Round and round and round
Images from my mind I see in the circular cloud
Moments of regret and moments of proud
The images fall into a singular pile
Close my eyes and smile
Open them to a beautiful face
My virtual reality dream world is a crazy place

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The Cavs are rolling and they have gotten my confidence back up.. I wasn't going to get my hopes up but man they look too good not to!! Cleveland has been waiting on this for a long time.. before when the Cavs went to the finals it was luck.. they were in the East and anybody could've made it.. but now they are the BEST in the NBA.. they play hard and have fun doing it. It doesn't get any better than that. Cavs have every piece needed to make this run. I expect a parade in Cleveland around June!!!

Oh and Boston sucks and I've lost some respect for Ray Allen.. You have to know who you're playing. He should know Andy is a scrapper and makes hustle plays. He tangled up, that's basketball. No need to throw an elbow to the mans groin! That was dirty.. they were getting blown out and that was still a sucker move.. than he's going to say that the Cavs disrespected Boston by dancing on the bench.. umm.. HELLO! They've been doing that ALL SEASON.. You bums (Boston) shouldn't be an exception.. you got your a$$ kicked.. blown out.. ran out the gym.. get over. Try to get KG healthy and ride his back again.. bums!! I was happy for Boston last year, big KG fan.. but jesus shuttlesworth just blew it.. he's just mad LeBron erased a lay up he thought he had.. lolololololol

Cavs all the way!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Good Day in Sports

I just got done watching the Cavs come back and smash the Mavs and then Tiger went to work and won Bay Hill again, on his third event back. As a sports fan it doesn't get better than that. Oh, not to mention the college games...

The Cavs started off slowly but picked it up and LeBron once again had a crazy dunk that no one wanted to challenge. But this dude for the Mavs, #1, may have had the dunk of the game... He tip dunked on Andy's back and rode him to the ground like a cowboy!!!! Oh it was crazy, but Andy had the last laugh with the win. Cavs are playing very good basketball right now and have what it takes to win it all! Go Cavs!

Tiger.. Tiger.. Tiger.. what else can you say? Tiger is the best in the world because he putts the best. In his first two touneys he wasn't putting as well so he was struggling a little. But the putts he made today may have been more amazing then some of the shots. Tiger is a true entertainer leaving me and my family at the edge of our seats as we watched. As the round went on, me and my brother agreed the "Tiger factor" was taking affect. O'hair was dropping shots and looking a little rattled. When it came to the last couple of holes, I knew Tiger was making those putts.

My team UNC is still alive, but I didn't have MSU (team I wanted to win) beating L'ville. Great surprise thought. Both teams really dominated the games and I'm happy to see two of my favorite college teams and programs move on. UNC all the way!
Great day in sports

Friday, March 27, 2009

Rebirth of Love

The rebirth of love is like none other
Can be deeper than that of a brother
Coming into the light after being under cover
To rebirth or bounce back like rubber
Comes from the perfect one for you, a perfect lover
To be reborn in love is not by chance
You can tell after that first dance
Like trying on all those jeans, then finding the right pants
They just fit, a perfect pair
People see them in love and just stair
Happiness that can’t hide behind sun glare
Don’t care where they are long as they are there
There together
To warm each other in cold weather
One is a great paper, with the other being the header
But its not all one way
There is night and there is day
To over come the bad, the hurt in them
He needs her like she needs him
The chances apart are slim
They were dead or close to dead by love
Only thing could save them needed to come from above
And to jump start they needed a little shove
A push, to come face to face
Already had a foundation, a base
All he asks of her is, “Believe in me”
Now they’re living in the rebirth, can you see?
Rebirth of love, and hopefully a rebirth in she

Dear America

He wasn’t my dad though I called em pops
Round the way he ran all the shops
He was like the pope
Took me in, even in my hip-hop gold chains, heavy rope
All the real gangsters reported to him
And when he got mad, the lights got dim
He brought me up, took me under his wing
I was living the American dream
I was his right hand, no one was closer
If he was the wall, I was a poster
Many people hated that fact about me
But more so because I wasn’t the color of he
A black man getting ready to take over a white mans empire
So now they turned on me and that feeling is sour
Dear America you got a problem see
I’m only what you made me
You kicked me to the curb and told me to survive
But you only gave me dirt paying jobs, besides
You made it so gangsters were my role models
Walking the streets filled with drugs, dead bodies and broken beer bottles
Then you never reported the murders you caused
You just kept us caged like hogs
And now you’re surprised to see what you see?
This is you also, not just me
I learned from the ultimate hustler, you
Your ideals and ways stuck like glue
Scarface, godfather, the sopranos
Dark gangsta sounds of the violin and the piano
If I die you die
Then it’s really bye bye Ms. American Pie
Because I’m the glue that holds you together
With out me the storm you couldn’t weather
But it was you who over ran jails instead of schools
Instead of us owning the biz, we built the pools
See you helped create a way of life that’s gotten out of hand
Now the whole world sees the flaws of this land
Instead of perpetuating the problem teach us a craft and trade
Hey I’m calling a spade a spade
Or give us the means
Meaning the green
Poor people can’t help the poor so to speak
We may have missed a generation, but the outlook isn’t bleak
Your plan, we solvin’
Dear America, you got a problem