Monday, March 28, 2011

Hail to the King

King of Kings and Lord of Lords

This King has keys to all the doors

His throne sits atop a tower higher than all else

But we sit his crown on a shelf

Trying to keep His name alive while removing His power

Shelf life, only used in a struggling hour

Hails to the King

The one who breathes life in your dream

King of Kings and Lord of Lords

His mercy like rain pours

But when rain falls we usually hold up umbrellas

Putting others before our King makes Him jealous

He feeds off the love of His people

And as His people there is no equal

His accomplishments number in the impossible

Hail to the King

The one who breathes life in your dream

His Kingdom isn’t a region, but the entirety of your thoughts and minds eye

The gift given to you, He is the prize

His Kingdom is as far and as wide as space itself

But to Him its small as an elf

Hail to the King

The one who breathes life in your dream