Monday, May 24, 2010

Keep it Simple

I want to blow your mind with mental stimulation
I want to speak simple words into existence that reach out and touch you
Not just to say I love you, but 143
No need to be unbelievably over the top
I want you to close your eyes
Hear my voice and travel to an un connecting place in time and space
A place that only we share
Just us, the darkness and the fire in our hearts
No big words for big words sake
Simple straight to the point
Simple as a whisper in an already quiet room
Words that make you feel we're all alone
Simple words
Simple conversations

I want to blow your mind with a simple touch
Whether it be a hug, a rub or a kiss
Moving that piece of hair to look into your eyes
Get your heart beating fast, rate on the rise
I want to simply touch your soul
I want you to close your eyes
Feel my touch and travel to an un connecting place in time and space
A touch that only we share
A forehead a kiss
Holding hands
Standing behind you and holding you securely
Simple touch
Simply amazing

Keep it simple