Thursday, September 3, 2009

***Brand New***

If I'm So Special

She said if I’m special
Why aren’t you more careful?
Like that golf handicap why aren’t you more helpful?
If I’m special, why don’t you treat me so?
Why do you block my glow?
If I’m so special
Why are things so stressful?
If I’m special why don’t I feel it?
Like a horse and a whip
Like the waves throwing a ship
You say I’m special so why do you need a script to act?
It should come easier than that
If I’m your special one
Why can’t I be the earth to your sun?
Spinning in a dance with you till we’re done
If I’m so special, why can’t we last forever?
Like eternal life as God’s gift to treasure
She said if I’m so special why do you treat me this way?
After all that, I had nothing to say

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