Friday, September 10, 2010

My Back is Strong

I was reading a book of Langston Hughes' poems I just picked up and came across "American Heartbreak" and it instantly stuck with me. I read a few more after that but I had to come back to it. In only a few lines his words were powerful:

American Heartbreak

I am the American heartbreak-
Rock on which Freedom
Stumps its toe-
The great mistake
That Jamestown
Made long ago.

Right away I started writing and words from a Lupe Fiasco song (Put You on Game - The Cool) came to mind. I tried to blend or merge the times and have my take on it. We'll see how it turns out...

My Back is Strong

I am the American heartbreak
The back freedom stands on
It pees on my head and calls it rain
Its suppose to represent hard times and growth
To get a glimpse I have to look at its reflection in the puddle
My back is strong
But to really see freedom I have to turnover
In doing so I shake up the status quo
Then I'm called a thief, a criminal, a ni**er
When I'm only trying to be as free as the next
I am the rape of my Motherland to a murderous regime
I am the next generation, its offspring
I am American heartbreak
But songs of my broken heart are what America rocks too
"And for that paper look how low we'll stoop/
Even if you in a Benz, you still a ni**a in a coupe"
Dear America, my back is strong

- quote by Kanye West - All Falls Down, College Dropout

1 comment:

  1. that was legit. made me think, laugh, and nod
