Sunday, April 4, 2010

Open Book

Can't judge a book by its cover
So to get a better look I open her cover
From the intro I read beauty and intelligence
A sense of womanhood, a strong presence
The cover is a sight to see in itself
But open the book to obtain much more wealth
She is a page turner
And I'm a fast learner
Page after page I read about love
And that she needs a lil shove
Her heart shines as I read more
This book is far from a bore
This is how you fall in love with a book
Reading into and not going by the look
The cover just brings you in
So an inside beauty that matches outside beauty is a win win
I see a woman's growth
The rising & falling slope
Each year in life is a new chapter to write and read
Looking for a good book, brothers take heed
Her life reads like an open book
Be careful, her pages will have you hanging from a hook
To enjoy completely you have to read
You need to show interest and plant that seed
Or it'll get cut short like a weed
Cover to cover her open book breathes life


  1. Her heart shines as I read more
    This book is far from a bore
    I had to add this to my favorites buddy. Love the whole thing, but this is my favorite part ..."This is how you fall in love with a book
    Reading into and not going by the look
    The cover just brings you in
    So an inside beauty that matches outside beauty is a win win
    I see a woman's growth
    The rising & falling slope"

    Great job as always :)

  2. Oh wow. Loved this.

    Thanks for the other day. Seeing your books on Lulu made me remember I had some of my poems on there and then I wrote a post on my own blog. I think you should check it out
