Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Reality Dreaming

This is the Dedication/Introduction part of my up coming book, Reality Dreaming. Hope you enjoy this little bit and look for a preview copy by the end of the summer...


This book is dedicated to the dreamers. To the people like me who believe in dreams and who fight to see their dreams come true. This book is for people who dream of love, who dream of change and who dream of a better life. Dream until your dream becomes a reality. Dream on…


Reality: The quality or state of being actual or true.
Dreaming: A series of mental images, ideas, and emotions occurring in certain stages of sleep. A wild hope or fancy. One that is extremely pleasant, beautiful, or fine.

If you dream of reality, those dreams can come true. The mental images in your mind are based off real things in your life. Reality Dreaming is dreaming beyond. It’s dreaming life into what you want to happen. Once you’re in the reality part of the dream, it doesn’t stop. As you read through this book, it’s up to you to determine the difference between a dream and reality. My dream reality may be different from yours. After reading, ask yourself; are you dreaming reality or reality dreaming?